Thousands of Primary and Secondary schools keep rebooking. This is why!
We purchased a Junior School Pack as we wanted to increase the amount of hands-on maths challenges available to use with our students. The idea was that once a week, the classes could rotate the puzzles in a carousel to enhance kinaesthetic learning and logical reasoning.. The children are really enjoying the puzzles and from their perspective it has made maths more fun. They then come to their lessons with a positive approach which has really helped to prove maths can be fun.
Ms Kate Heathcote, Whiteparish All Saints Primary School
“Watching every child, without a single exception, on task, engaged and learning was remarkable. I cannot recommend The Happy Puzzle Company highly enough”
Y Freeman, Head Teacher, Torah Temimah Primary School
I just wanted to email to say that we have just finished our 2 days of workshops with the Happy Puzzle Company and they were brilliant! The entire school loved each session right the way from Early Years up to Year 6. The presenter was phenomenal and all the teachers have been telling me just how brilliant he was with their children. I saw this for myself in our Year 6 sessions, his delivery, engagement and enthusiasm with the children was amazing,
Teacher, Primary School
A day with the Happy Puzzle Company provides immense excitement as the children develop their awareness of team building. The activities provided caters for every child and all abilities. Once one level is mastered the children can then progress on to the next. A professional company providing enrichment to any curriculum.
Shelly Kad, Teacher - Alexandra Primary School
The Smart Thinkers programme was outstanding. It was amazing to see all the students collaborating and solving a wide range of problems and challenges. The day was organised really well and the presenter had good control of the children. It was a rare opportunity for us as teachers to take a step back and look at the children problem solving and communicating. An amazing day was had all round.
Ms Sidrah Begum,, Lead Teacher KS1 - Chestnut Lane School
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