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Feedback and reviews

Thousands of Primary and Secondary schools keep rebooking. This is why!

" Their delivery of the smart Thinkers workshop was fantastic! The new programme seems to have been a big hit with everyone. The feedback from staff was amazing and there were some very enthusiastic pupils. Thank you for a fantastic day. "
Darren Thomas, Headteacher - Pantyscallog Primary

" The students encounter a variety of fun, but challenging 3D hands-on puzzle tasks, which they have to complete in teams. Most challenges last for no more than a few minutes, but require each team to work together and carefully develop strategies in order to find a solution. The temptation to give up might appear from time to time, but the programme teaches the students how to persevere, put their own skills to better use as part of a team and overcome difficulties by approaching problems from different perspectives. With the advent of the new GCSE curriculum, where a stronger emphasis on problem solving is being placed, we feel this day is an ideal springboard and foundation in Key Stage 3. In addition, our pupils have fun while they learn! "
Tracie Walker, Teacher of Mathematics

" The HPC experience offers our year 7s a brilliant set of challenges that require them to work and bond together in their new from groupings through practical engagement, and they reinforce - in all they say and do - our growth mindset values, encouraging experimentation and 'failure' as crucial tools in ruling out options and finding solutions, and exemplifying how tough working through a challenge can be, whilst demonstrating the enormous satisfaction when you crack it. More than anything though, the sessions are fun: we don't often have students asking to stay behind at break to carry on with their lessons, but we have had them ask if they can stay in and take on another challenge! "
Pippa Marriott, Head of Lower School

" “Some of our students really struggle with maths... suddenly they believe they can conquer things that would have previously caused them to give up. That has come from your workshops. Thank you.” "
Alison Jacob, Head Teacher

" We purchased a Junior School Pack as we wanted to increase the amount of hands-on maths challenges available to use with our students. The idea was that once a week, the classes could rotate the puzzles in a carousel to enhance kinaesthetic learning and logical reasoning.. The children are really enjoying the puzzles and from their perspective it has made maths more fun. They then come to their lessons with a positive approach which has really helped to prove maths can be fun. "
Ms Kate Heathcote, Whiteparish All Saints Primary School

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