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Feedback and reviews

Thousands of Primary and Secondary schools keep rebooking. This is why!

" Mind Missions day at the Canterbury Primary school was an entertaining and fun experience from reception to year 6! The teachers had time to watch, as well as work with small groups. It highlighted children's strengths in leadership as well as problem solving. Observing how they tackled each new challenge was interesting and has resulted in KS2 incorporating more problem solving into their classwork. Pupils who don't always shine at numeracy did surprisingly well in logical thinking and gave them a confidence boost. A KS1 pupil said "We tried and tried to make it balance. It worked best when we all took turns, then it fell off! "
Dawn Wellard , The Canterbury Primary School

" The students encounter a variety of fun, but challenging 3D hands-on puzzle tasks, which they have to complete in teams. Most challenges last for no more than a few minutes, but require each team to work together and carefully develop strategies in order to find a solution. The temptation to give up might appear from time to time, but the programme teaches the students how to persevere, put their own skills to better use as part of a team and overcome difficulties by approaching problems from different perspectives. With the advent of the new GCSE curriculum, where a stronger emphasis on problem solving is being placed, we feel this day is an ideal springboard and foundation in Key Stage 3. In addition, our pupils have fun while they learn! "
Tracie Walker, Teacher of Mathematics

" I would recommend this to other schools because it involves and excites every child, teaching them great problem solving skills. It is always well organised and the team who run it are very professional with the children. The family workshop and shop after school is also a great addition to any Puzzle Day! "
Michelle McNamee, Deputy Headteacher / SENCO

" “You have provided us with the most important workshop we have ever held at this school. You have left us with enthusiastic, resilient and engaged children. Every school needs to do this! You’re doing something truly amazing.” "
Mr Justin Kett, Deputy Head, Morasha Primary School

" The Smart Thinkers programme was outstanding. It was amazing to see all the students collaborating and solving a wide range of problems and challenges. The day was organised really well and the presenter had good control of the children. It was a rare opportunity for us as teachers to take a step back and look at the children problem solving and communicating. An amazing day was had all round. "
Ms Sidrah Begum,, Lead Teacher KS1 - Chestnut Lane School

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