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Feedback and reviews

Thousands of Primary and Secondary schools keep rebooking. This is why!

" “Some of our students really struggle with maths... suddenly they believe they can conquer things that would have previously caused them to give up. That has come from your workshops. Thank you.” "
Alison Jacob, Head Teacher

" I learnt that don’t just look at a problem and assume it’s hard. These puzzles will help me in Maths "
Ayesha Ali, Year 7 Student

" I didn't even realise I was doing maths! I really enjoyed working as a team with my friends trying to find solutions to the problems. It was a great feeling when we solved the problem together "
Zak, Year 6 student

" The Puzzle Challenge Day at our school excited and challenged all children, from Reception to Year 6. The main benefits were undoubtedly logic and teamwork skills. In the long-term it will have provided a memorable Maths-based experience which we hope will inform their problem solving skills of the future. We would recommend this to other schools as it is an engaging experience for all children and also a great opportunity for building further links with parents. "
Bryony Ready, Barrington Primary School

" The Smart Thinkers programme was outstanding. It was amazing to see all the students collaborating and solving a wide range of problems and challenges. The day was organised really well and the presenter had good control of the children. It was a rare opportunity for us as teachers to take a step back and look at the children problem solving and communicating. An amazing day was had all round. "
Ms Sidrah Begum,, Lead Teacher KS1 - Chestnut Lane School

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