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Feedback and reviews

Thousands of Primary and Secondary schools keep rebooking. This is why!

" I didn't even realise I was doing maths! I really enjoyed working as a team with my friends trying to find solutions to the problems. It was a great feeling when we solved the problem together "
Zak, Year 6 student

" I learnt that don’t just look at a problem and assume it’s hard. These puzzles will help me in Maths "
Ayesha Ali, Year 7 Student

" “It has been just over three months since our puzzle day with you. Your workshops have without doubt made our students, from Reception to Year 6, much more resilient and they are embracing new challenges with confidence. We have engaged, determined students as a result of the Happy Puzzle day. We want you here every week!” "
Anthony Wolfson, Head Teacher, Nancy Rubin Primary School

" The workshop was arranged for More Able pupils who have English as an Additional language to give them an opportunity to problem-solve collaboratively with learners from other schools. The day was a huge success for pupils and staff! The pupils enjoyed the activities, especially the competitive element and teamwork. The staff loved that the learning objectives were achieved and the way pupils were communicating and collaborating with pupils from other schools. ” "
Julie Elliot, teacher

" The different puzzles really helped the pupils build on their social skills, creativity and observational skills. The pupils were very aware by the end of the session that by working as a team and communicating they could solves puzzles much faster. I would highly recommend the Happy Puzzle Company to other schools. They felt a great sense of pride and achievement. "
Shahina Hussain , Gifted and Talented Coordinator, Shaftesbury Primary School

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