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Feedback and reviews

Thousands of Primary and Secondary schools keep rebooking. This is why!

" We purchased a Junior School Pack as we wanted to increase the amount of hands-on maths challenges available to use with our students. The idea was that once a week, the classes could rotate the puzzles in a carousel to enhance kinaesthetic learning and logical reasoning.. The children are really enjoying the puzzles and from their perspective it has made maths more fun. They then come to their lessons with a positive approach which has really helped to prove maths can be fun. "
Ms Kate Heathcote, Whiteparish All Saints Primary School

" Our students thoroughly enjoyed the brilliant session provided this morning from the happy puzzle company. Lauren delivered the session with clear instructions, brilliant resources and all the students were completely engaged for the entire session. She created an incredibly calm, and productive environment that also has enthused the students to be a little bit competitive with their efforts. The students are all looking forward to the next session next week. "
Teacher, Hethersett Academy

" A fabulous day, filled with well suited activities that kept all children (and adults) engaged from beginning to end. Well worth it and looking forward to booking the next one! "
Dana Srebernik, Beis Yackov School

" The Puzzle Challenge Day at our school excited and challenged all children, from Reception to Year 6. The main benefits were undoubtedly logic and teamwork skills. In the long-term it will have provided a memorable Maths-based experience which we hope will inform their problem solving skills of the future. We would recommend this to other schools as it is an engaging experience for all children and also a great opportunity for building further links with parents. "
Bryony Ready, Barrington Primary School

" “Watching every child, without a single exception, on task, engaged and learning was remarkable. I cannot recommend The Happy Puzzle Company highly enough” "
Y Freeman, Head Teacher, Torah Temimah Primary School

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