Thousands of Primary and Secondary schools keep rebooking. This is why!
We purchased a Junior School Pack as we wanted to increase the amount of hands-on maths challenges available to use with our students. The idea was that once a week, the classes could rotate the puzzles in a carousel to enhance kinaesthetic learning and logical reasoning.. The children are really enjoying the puzzles and from their perspective it has made maths more fun. They then come to their lessons with a positive approach which has really helped to prove maths can be fun.
Ms Kate Heathcote, Whiteparish All Saints Primary School
I just wanted to email to say that we have just finished our 2 days of workshops with the Happy Puzzle Company and they were brilliant! The entire school loved each session right the way from Early Years up to Year 6. The presenter was phenomenal and all the teachers have been telling me just how brilliant he was with their children. I saw this for myself in our Year 6 sessions, his delivery, engagement and enthusiasm with the children was amazing,
Teacher, Primary School
“It has been just over three months since our puzzle day with you. Your workshops have without doubt made our students, from Reception to Year 6, much more resilient and they are embracing new challenges with confidence. We have engaged, determined students as a result of the Happy Puzzle day. We want you here every week!”
Anthony Wolfson, Head Teacher, Nancy Rubin Primary School
“Watching every child, without a single exception, on task, engaged and learning was remarkable. I cannot recommend The Happy Puzzle Company highly enough”
Y Freeman, Head Teacher, Torah Temimah Primary School
Mind Missions day at the Canterbury Primary school was an entertaining and fun experience from reception to year 6! The teachers had time to watch, as well as work with small groups. It highlighted children's strengths in leadership as well as problem solving. Observing how they tackled each new challenge was interesting and has resulted in KS2 incorporating more problem solving into their classwork. Pupils who don't always shine at numeracy did surprisingly well in logical thinking and gave them a confidence boost. A KS1 pupil said "We tried and tried to make it balance. It worked best when we all took turns, then it fell off!
Dawn Wellard , The Canterbury Primary School
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