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Feedback and reviews

Thousands of Primary and Secondary schools keep rebooking. This is why!

" 'We had been full of anticipation and excitement about our Happy Puzzle day and we were not disappointed. Throughout the sessions, students were completely engrossed and engaged with their team problem solving. The collaboration and determination needed to complete tasks was at the right level for each class that attended. The presenter was very professional, knowledgeable and a delight to work with.' "
Ms K Brewer, teacher

" “Some of our students really struggle with maths... suddenly they believe they can conquer things that would have previously caused them to give up. That has come from your workshops. Thank you.” "
Alison Jacob, Head Teacher

" The children at Shepherd Primary School all loved their morning the Happy Puzzle Company. All the children from reception to year 6 were able to participate and were extremely enthusiastic about their experiences. There was so much enthusiasm and interest from the pupils that after the visit we decided to set up a Maths Puzzle Club. This continues to be one of our most popular after school clubs. "
Gill Kirkpatrick, Teacher

" The Puzzle Day experience is a wonderful example of how to teach maths in a way that captures pupils imagination and develop their natural ability to problem solve, giving them the skills of resilience. For all those teachers out there who indulged in endless rote learning of strategies and enjoy the sound of your own voice this is not for you. For those teachers who enjoy watching pupils construct their own understanding of mathematical concepts you will love this. I can't recommend it highly enough "
Jane Fletcher, Teacher

" The puzzles were really challenging to get my brain working "
Lily Atkinson, Year 4 Student

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