Thousands of Primary and Secondary schools keep rebooking. This is why!
'We had been full of anticipation and excitement about our Happy Puzzle day and we were not disappointed.
Throughout the sessions, students were completely engrossed and engaged with their team problem solving. The collaboration and determination needed to complete tasks was at the right level for each class that attended. The presenter was very professional, knowledgeable and a delight to work with.'
Ms K Brewer, teacher
“You have provided us with the most important workshop we have ever held at this school. You have left us with enthusiastic, resilient and engaged children. Every school needs to do this! You’re doing something truly amazing.”
Mr Justin Kett, Deputy Head, Morasha Primary School
“Watching every child, without a single exception, on task, engaged and learning was remarkable. I cannot recommend The Happy Puzzle Company highly enough”
Y Freeman, Head Teacher, Torah Temimah Primary School
The puzzles were really challenging to get my brain working
Lily Atkinson, Year 4 Student
A fabulous day, filled with well suited activities that kept all children (and adults) engaged from beginning to end. Well worth it and looking forward to booking the next one!
Dana Srebernik, Beis Yackov School
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