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Feedback and reviews

Thousands of Primary and Secondary schools keep rebooking. This is why!

" “Absolutely outstanding and highly effective. Both staff and students were blown away by the Puzzle Challenge Day and we are reaping the rewards. We have also seen an immediate change in the students. It’s tangible and it’s remarkable. Incredible workshops and we are feeling the benefits!” "
Joel Sager, Head Teacher, Pardes House School

" A day with the Happy Puzzle Company provides immense excitement as the children develop their awareness of team building. The activities provided caters for every child and all abilities. Once one level is mastered the children can then progress on to the next. A professional company providing enrichment to any curriculum. "
Shelly Kad, Teacher - Alexandra Primary School

" Mind Missions day at the Canterbury Primary school was an entertaining and fun experience from reception to year 6! The teachers had time to watch, as well as work with small groups. It highlighted children's strengths in leadership as well as problem solving. Observing how they tackled each new challenge was interesting and has resulted in KS2 incorporating more problem solving into their classwork. Pupils who don't always shine at numeracy did surprisingly well in logical thinking and gave them a confidence boost. A KS1 pupil said "We tried and tried to make it balance. It worked best when we all took turns, then it fell off! "
Dawn Wellard , The Canterbury Primary School

" The Puzzle Day experience is a wonderful example of how to teach maths in a way that captures pupils imagination and develop their natural ability to problem solve, giving them the skills of resilience. For all those teachers out there who indulged in endless rote learning of strategies and enjoy the sound of your own voice this is not for you. For those teachers who enjoy watching pupils construct their own understanding of mathematical concepts you will love this. I can't recommend it highly enough "
Jane Fletcher, Teacher

" Our students thoroughly enjoyed the brilliant session provided this morning from the happy puzzle company. Lauren delivered the session with clear instructions, brilliant resources and all the students were completely engaged for the entire session. She created an incredibly calm, and productive environment that also has enthused the students to be a little bit competitive with their efforts. The students are all looking forward to the next session next week. "
Teacher, Hethersett Academy

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